[2006/09/22] WordPress:Customizable Post Listings

WordPress プラグイン。最新の投稿記事に日付を付けたり、本文テキストの冒頭を抜粋して表示させたり出来ます。

\wp-content\plugins\ 直下にアップロード後、管理画面のプラグインページでActive(有効化)にし、4種類の関数にパラメータと出力フォーマットを組み合わせるだけで色々な記事リストの表現が可能になります。 


function c2c_get_recent_posts ($num_posts = 5, 

  $format = "<li>%post_date%: %post_URL%</li>", 

  $categories = '', $orderby = 'date', 

  $order = 'DESC', 

  $offset = 0, 

  $date_format = 'm/d/Y', 

  $authors = '', 

  $include_passworded_posts = false)

function c2c_get_random_posts($num_posts = 5, 

  $format = "<li>%post_date%: %post_URL%</li>", 

  $categories = '', $order = 'DESC', 

  $offset = 0, 

  $date_format = 'm/d/Y', 

  $authors = '', 

  $include_passworded_posts = false)

function c2c_get_recently_commented ($num_posts = 5, 

  $format = "<li>%comments_URL%<br />%last_comment_date%<br />%comments_fancy%</li>", 

  $categories = '', 

  $order = 'DESC', 

  $offset = 0, 

  $date_format = 'm/d/Y h:i a', 

  $authors = '', 

  $include_passworded_posts = false)

function c2c_get_recently_modified ($num_posts = 5, 

  $format = "<li>%post_URL%<br />Updated: %post_modified%</li>", 

  $categories = '', 

  $order = 'DESC', 

  $offset = 0, 

  $date_format = 'm/d/Y', 

  $authors = '', 

  $include_passworded_posts = false)


表示テンプレートに使える percent substitution tags とその説明



<?php if (function_exists('c2c_get_recent_posts')) { ?>

<ul> <?php c2c_get_recent_posts() ?> </ul>



customizable-post-listings.php 146-151行目参照。下のソースはデフォルト。

//-- Some things you might want to configure -----

$excerpt_words = 6;    // Number of words to use for %post_excerpt_short%

$excerpt_length = 50;     // Number of characters to use for %post_excerpt_short%, only used if $excerpt_words is 0

$idmode = ‘nickname’;    // how to present post author name

$comment_fancy = array(’No comments’, ‘1 Comment’, ‘%comments_count% Comments’);

//-- END configuration section -----


//-- Some things you might want to configure -----

$excerpt_words = 0;    // Number of words to use for %post_excerpt_short%

$excerpt_length = 250;     // Number of characters to use for %post_excerpt_short%, only used if $excerpt_words is 0

$idmode = ‘nickname’;    // how to present post author name

$comment_fancy = array(’No comments’, ‘1 Comment’, ‘%comments_count% Comments’);

//-- END configuration section -----